Friday, January 20, 2012

Financial Peace Uni-torture

Okay, I have only been to ONE class but still... It's like eating a salad instead of a cheeseburger, or going running instead of having an all day ice cream and moviethon (Neither of which I would actually do but I am trying to make a POINT). Where was I? OH yes, it's like theoretically doing either of those things, you know it's good for you, you know the benefits will be great, but it's never very fun.

We just started Financial Peace University (FPU from now on). I WISH someone would have told me it was 13 weeks... oh ma gee... that is one big commitment! For anyone with three children, two of which are small, you gotta know that it is HARD to be somewhere, on time, at night during prime dinner hours, for 13 weeks straight.

Now, having been to all of ONE class and not really knowing much about anything so far, I do know that I'm going to have to stop spending lots of money. I do know that we already cut out going out to eat COMPLETELY (unless it is an invite from someone on their dime or a birthday celebration). UGH! I want a TATER TOT! I want some lemonade from Chickfila... sweet (well sour) sour, sour lemonade... not made in my kitchen from a Country time container. The good stuff, poured straight from the teet. I want to sit in my "regular" spot at CFA and drink coffee while my kids play and don't bother me for hours on weekday mornings. I want limeades. I want to NOT cook three times a day. I want to not do dishes.

But I also want out from under debt. I want to take some great vacas with the kiddos and pay cash for cars. I want to retire and know that I can pay my bills (which will be few and far between because I will not have debt). I guess I want all that more than tater tots... most of the time.

But not right now.

That is all.


  1. You can do it! Stick with it. (I know you will) We've been through the class twice and still have our moments. ;) Biggest thing hubby and I did was make a small fund that was our play cash. Maybe like 5 bucks a week, but you can still get a coffee or lemonade or save that $20 a month for something else you want. GOOD LUCK!!

  2. Good idea!!! I think we "need" a little something to spoil ourselves just a tiny bit. Then I think, well it was all that spoiling that got us in this mess LOL. Moderation I am sure, is the key!
