Saturday, April 7, 2012

Moldy bread never said "I love you"

Just in case you all didn't know about it, I am pro-life. Not just a little bit, not just when it is easy... always, zealously, unashamedly. It is what I am, I have always been this way since I found out what abortion was as a kid. As a child, I knew that a life was a life, no matter what.

Just in case you didn't know about it, I have felt a call on my life recently to minister to those who are post-abortive and pre-abortive and to those who have lost their way sexually and don't know how to make it back.

When I was younger, I would look at a person who had chosen abortion and my heart would break for that baby. A life that would never be lived. A smile that would never be seen. A tiny hand that would never be held. I decided I would love those babies, even though they were never allowed to live. While I had so much love in my heart for those babies, my heart was filled with anger towards their mothers. A baby isn't an inconvenience... it is a person. How could they murder a child so that their life could continue on, unaltered (in theory)?

As I have grown and matured, I have felt a pressing on that anger. My anger has turned to sadness for the mothers of all those precious little lives. Because their life doesn't continue on unaltered. I have heard COUNTLESS tales of the hurt and pain endured over a lifetime after an abortion. So instead of the "inconvenience" of a child, these women are burdened with pain and emptiness, and a void that they feel can never be filled. I know that those women's pain is not any less real just because it was a "choice" they made.

I have been vocal about my pro-life stance lately and last week a person that I know said "The loaf of moldy bread on the counter is a life, but I'm not keeping that around." I have rolled that thought around in my head for a week. At the time, I didn't know HOW to react to it. I didn't want to react in anger, because I don't think approaching this subject with anger is going to do anyone any good. At the time, I deleted the comment, and deleted the person. After a week, I know what to say now. A moldy loaf of bread never said "I love you." It never wrapped its tiny arms around me and kissed me. It never filled my heart with pride at an accomplishment. It never cried out for my touch alone in a moment of pain. Moldy bread never looked into my eyes and unleashed its first blinding smile on the world. It never giggled during a tickle fight. Moldy bread is not akin to human life in any way, shape, or form. Moldy bread is dead and on its way out. It is not useful to the world. It won't change the face of the planet. A baby, a zygote, a fetus, and embryo... it is LIFE on its way IN! Its very presence in the womb is already changing the world.

I have friends who are post-abortive, and I want to tell you, I love you. I hope that you have found the hope and healing. I love you. Your baby loves you. God loves you. You are more than that decision. You can or have been remade in Christ. I am not judging you. I am not condemning you. I love you.

And if you or someone you know is struggling with the decision of abortion, please talk to me. I will GLADLY take your baby or help you find someone to take your baby, in a heart beat, in a minute, no questions asked. I am putting that out there and it is the truth. I love you, and I love your baby.

Yesterday someone posed a question that was posed to them, "If you stop abortion, what will you do with all those babies?" and my answer is, "I will love them."

That is all.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Heather on being 30

It has been a second since I was here blabbering about stuff. Oddly enough, having three kids tends to keep you somewhat busy. There is never a shortage of things I want to record here but finding the time is almost impossible it seems.

So, I turn 30 tomorrow. It is sort of weird. I remember thinking 30 was really something that would take a long time to happen to me, then suddenly, here it is. It just appeared out of nowhere. Time was apparently moving at warp speed when I thought we were just putzing along, Sunday driver style.

I have been thinking about being 30 a lot, and kind of wondering if it scares me as much as I think it should. I guess it doesn't... really. The only thing it has done effectively is to give me some regrets. I regret that I just realized the kind of person I want to be and started making a concentrated effort to be that person. I regret that I spent 29 years (give or take), having no direction. Floundering around in the world, looking for my voice, my purpose, myself. Oddly, when I finally realized who I wanted to be, it had very little to do with ME! I want to be a better wife, a better mama, and a better believer. Most of the things I want to be "when I grow up" are concentrated on service to others.

So, I guess the biggest regret is that for 29 years, I have been a little egocentric if you will. I spent the greater part of that time worrying about MY best interest, my wants, desires, and happiness. Once I realized that the focus shouldn't be me, it was amazing how quickly my interests, wants, desires and happiness were fulfilled by my service to others.

Two BIG things have happened this week, and I guess maybe the timing is coincidental, but it is probably more like a God thing if I am being honest. First of all, I developed a spot on my face. Here I was, thinking that all I was getting for my 30th birthday was skin cancer and a scar smack dab in the middle of my face to prove it. Here I was thinking "I am not ready to be sick. My kids, my kids, my kids." I finally convinced myself to go see a dermatologist, and guess what, it wasn't skin cancer. So for my birthday, I didn't get a scar, I got perspective. I got a wake up call. That is pretty great gift. Thanks God.

Secondly, I have spent a lot of time recently and in the past trying to figure out how to impact the world. Last week I realized that my heart is ministering to those who are affected by abortion, pre and post, and girls who think that the things that they have done define them and that there is no turning back from where they are today. While I have never had an abortion, I have many friends that I have seen go down that road. I have also been in a place where I felt that my decisions defined me and that there was no going back. So, I am moving forward, starting a ministry to those girls who are lost and those women who are hurting.

I ask that you would please pray for me as I start this journey and if you are interested in helping in other ways, let me know. I don't know what those ways are yet, but I bet God will make it clear to me in time.

That is all.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Magnablend is all your fault.

Yes you. You sitting there with a smirk on your face saying "Magnablend isn't my fault!" Oh yes, yes it is. I am sorry to say but it is. You are fighting it NOW but maybe this is too little too late. I am just a person. I don't know much about much. I am directly affected by this move. I see that building every time I walk out my front door. I just moved to this house too.

My last house, was about a block away from the other plant. I lived there when I was 8 months pregnant and it burst into flames. I lived there when the acrid smell of burning chemicals filled the air. I lived there when the nauseous smell of dead fish from the pond across the street from my house started to permeate the air.

The thing is... it's my fault too. It's my fault that the commissioner's are laughing behind our backs at the thought of us believing we can make a difference about what happens. It's my fault that company is walking around with it's check book open writing checks to open doors that SHOULD be closed to them. It's my fault and it's your fault. Not all of you, but most of us.

We are complacent. Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned. Does that describe you before all "this" happened? Before "this" how many of you knew the name of ONE commissioner? How many of you voted in a SINGLE county election? Not me. And you know what, when you become complacent with your government, they will walk all over you. This is proof. This is just them showing you the fruits of you labor, or lack thereof. They quietly went about doing whatever they wanted to do because they knew by the time we were ready to stop them, it'd be too late.

I am saying this and I know it is going to make some of you mad. The truth can be one of the most painful things to hear. Here is another truth for you to sink your gnashing teeth into, no matter how mad you are now, how many threats to toss them from office you make... they DO NOT CARE. They are relying on the same level of complacency that got them here to carry them through. They are depending on the fact that YOU are gonna forget, get over it, and move on. They are relying on the fact that you are NOT going to vote them out of office because they are relying on the fact that we care as little about our government now as we did before all "this" started.

I am saying this because I WANT to make you mad. I want that anger to boil over and seethe to the point that you DON'T forget. You do vote them out. It may not change "this" but it might keep us from getting obliterated in the future. You have always had these rights, they weren't taken away, they just weren't used!

Don't give up on this fight. I may say it's too little too late but I pray every single day that it is not. If it is though, I hope you allow those trucks roaring down our little street, your decreased property value and your toxic surroundings to be a constant reminder to NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN become complacent in local or national government. Despite the fact that government is FOR US, we can not trust them. Power breeds immorality and WE are the people who are in charge of keeping those in power in check.


That is all.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Financial Peace Uni-torture

Okay, I have only been to ONE class but still... It's like eating a salad instead of a cheeseburger, or going running instead of having an all day ice cream and moviethon (Neither of which I would actually do but I am trying to make a POINT). Where was I? OH yes, it's like theoretically doing either of those things, you know it's good for you, you know the benefits will be great, but it's never very fun.

We just started Financial Peace University (FPU from now on). I WISH someone would have told me it was 13 weeks... oh ma gee... that is one big commitment! For anyone with three children, two of which are small, you gotta know that it is HARD to be somewhere, on time, at night during prime dinner hours, for 13 weeks straight.

Now, having been to all of ONE class and not really knowing much about anything so far, I do know that I'm going to have to stop spending lots of money. I do know that we already cut out going out to eat COMPLETELY (unless it is an invite from someone on their dime or a birthday celebration). UGH! I want a TATER TOT! I want some lemonade from Chickfila... sweet (well sour) sour, sour lemonade... not made in my kitchen from a Country time container. The good stuff, poured straight from the teet. I want to sit in my "regular" spot at CFA and drink coffee while my kids play and don't bother me for hours on weekday mornings. I want limeades. I want to NOT cook three times a day. I want to not do dishes.

But I also want out from under debt. I want to take some great vacas with the kiddos and pay cash for cars. I want to retire and know that I can pay my bills (which will be few and far between because I will not have debt). I guess I want all that more than tater tots... most of the time.

But not right now.

That is all.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New You?

I am not really a New Year's Resolution kind of person. I think of New Year's like a birthday, it is really just another day. It is special in a way that it marks time, but nothing MAGIC happens on that day. Because it is now 2012, I will not instantly become a person that can overcome all the things I couldn't yesterday. You don't magically become older on your birthday either. Every single day of life counts and you (we) should all strive to make it do so.

In saying that, I have had some things on my heart for some time and in the spirit of the new year, I will share them.

I have thought of a lot of things I'd like to change about me lately. My life is great, but I am not really allowing it to live up to its full potential. I have a list of things that I think I need to work on but it all really boils down to one thing. I want to live a more purposeful life. To be more engaged in the every day. To be gentle with my children, understanding with my spouse, responsible with my finances. To create lasting relationships. To get on the floor and play, run in the yard, and roll in the grass. To make memories with and for my children everyday. To spend less time on my (gasp) computer and in front of my (double gasp) television.

Lately I feel like I have been sitting back watching life happen to me and others. Well, it is time to get my hands dirty and dig in because if the Mayans were right, I want to get my money's worth.

That is all.