Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Have you seen me lately?

Summer time is here. There are some things to know about summer. 1) It is hot, and lately super humid. My favorite thing is walking outside and instantly being covered in sweat! 2) There are a LOT of bugs! 3) I dunno... that's all I had.

Anywho, summer is upon us and there is a cacophony of summer activities screaming our name everyday. If we wanted to go somewhere, we have a choice of at least two things on almost every day of the week. For instance, on Tuesday of this week we decided to forgo swimming (me + scared of the water 2 year old + not scared of the water 4 year old + tiny baby + Reghanne at camp = um no) to go to the Mommy and Me music class at the Red Oak Library. FUN! NEW! YAY! We got loaded up, we were totally running late. We skidded into the parking lot on two wheels (not really) at 10:31 and ran in the door to find... NO ONE! We tugged on the, locked, doors of the library... nada. A lady came out of some secret passage and said,"Ma'am, we don't open until 11." I said, with disdain and annoyance,"WELL, then WHY does this calendar RIGHT HERE say Mommy and Me 10:30-11:30??? HMMMMM" and then she said, "That is on Monday, ma'am... today is Tuesday."


Seriously??? Cue the boys crying because Mom is a moron. Cue Mom's feeble attempt at fixing this whole thing by taking them to the park next door even though the humidity is like 100% and I am sweating buckets.

So we came home, Michael laid on the couch and cried for his paci, I picked him up to find he was boiling lava hot with a 102 degree fever. So glad we all shared my water at the park. WINNING!

This isn't even counting the fact that last week, I nearly forgot Scarlett at the church when dropping Denton off at VBS. Not to worry, she was in good hands, those hands just didn't lactate! You can mail my mother of the year award to the following address...