Saturday, December 31, 2011
The Hardin's (half) cross country trip...
We drove up to see Clint's cousins near Lynchburg. Clint quickly realized that this trip would be MUCH different than his last trip there as a bachelor. After only being on the road for about an hour we made our first 40 minute stop! This particular stop was very interesting. The gas station was shady to say the least. There was no changing table, the counter was small and soaking wet and there were no paper towels. I ended up drying the counter with thin, flimsy toilet paper. I layed the boy down and opened his wipes to find two, DRY wipes. I opened the diaper to find that it was A) an enormous poo and B) the poo had leaked out of the diaper on to his back. Two dry wipes, no paper towels, and a counter covered in poo. Not the best way to start our trip.
After two days of traveling we arrived. That night, food poisoning (the result of a gas station hamburger) arrived on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to me!! I felt much better by Christmas day and we had a great time celebrating. While we were there we toured Jack Daniels which was fun (but stinky, or great if you like the smell of whiskey).
We decided to take a mini family vaca on the way home and give ourselves 3 days to make the return trip. First stop, Nashvilee, where we stopped at Antique Archeology and ended up meeting Mike Wolfe! Hubbies dream come true!
Next stop, Memphis! We had an amazing dinner that night at a place called Amerigos that we ended up to when our first choice had a 25 minute wait, what a happy accident! The next day we toured Graceland. We also stopped in to the Cozy Corner which the guide book called the local favorite. It was in a sketchy part of town. We almost didn't stop but man were we glad we did!!! That was the best darn BBQ served by the friendliest people on Earth! Go there, just not at night ;)
We then traveled to Hot Springs were we spent the night. We journeyed to downtown for some German food and ended up in one scary looking joint in the basement of a building with a bunch of people at a bar staring at us. We quickly retreated to a restaurant upstairs where the lady at the door asked usif we had just called. We said no and she invited us in... despite the "WE ARE CLOSED" sign. WOW, delicious. Another happy accident! The next morning we went to the wax museum, the alligator farm, and a bath house. Later we headed home.
It was a hard trip. It was a long trip. In the end there were tears, fights, and a lot of crying but outweighing that there were smiles and a lot of memories made!
That is all.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I have a new title...
I went to Dallas County Community College and enrolled in courses for fall 2008 that week and now, here I am, two days away from graduation. That day, my boss believed in me, but more than that, he held me accountable. He required updates on grades and progress and he changed my life. He motivated me. I don't want to discount my husband's role in this, because he has pushed me and supported me through these years. He forced me tokeep going when I wanted to give up.And my grandfather has always inspired me. But that day as the day that changed things for me. Just knowing that someone on the outside saw potential in me changed my way of thinking.
This process has taught me three things.
Number one, never stop trying to inspire greatness in others. My boss could have just told me to quit pouting, he could have fired me, but instead he encouraged me even though he didn't have too.
Number two, never give up on your dreams. Over these years I have been supported a great deal, but I have also been discouraged. Not everyone could see the purpose in what I was doing and some people even attempted to discourage me from finishing. I blocked out the negative and focused on the positive, even when there didn't seem to be much positive to focus on.
Number three, accomplishing anything takes a LOT of perseverance!! Since the Fall of 2008 I have gotten married and had two children. I have taken books to both Jamaica and Hawaii. I studied history on my honeymoon, I took finance finals on a lanai! When my son was born 5 weeks early, I hobbled to the hospital waiting room computer to beg for extensions on assignments. When my roof caved in 5 days later, I sat in a bed in a hotel with my newborn working through a week's worth of past due assignments. My kids have sacrificed, my husband has sacrificied. It has been so hard, but I did it.
And now, I have a new title: College Graduate. It may not mean much to everyone, but to me it is the realization of a lifelong dream and ten years of blood, sweat, and TEARS (trust me there have been tears!) I approach my graduation on Friday with a mixture of emotions. I am happy of course that I have accomplished my goal. I am not as happy as I thought I would be to be finished with school. Through all the trials and tribulations, school has given me a purpose. When I stopped working, I leaned on school to make me feel like I was still contributing somehow. Now, with school done and work not really something I am ready to explore with all the little ones, I am what? A mommy, a house wife? I don't mind those titles. I actually love the mommy title, and the wife title (minus the house part ;) ) My new goal, is finding contentment in my new title.
That is all.
pps please don't take my spelling in this blog as an example of my education, I am typing one handed while feeding a baby!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Terrible Time Snatcher
Today, I realized it was time for Michael's second PKU test (which I had completely forgotten about). I wanted to get there before lunch with tomorrow being Thanksgiving to make sure someone was there to do the test. I got the boys up at 830 in the morning and we all started getting ready. We didn't arrive at the hospital until 1130 and didn't get home until 2! The test only took about 20 minutes and the drive is about an hour. Where did the rest of that time go?
I think a summary of my night last night could explain some of it. So about 5 I realized it was five and Reghanne had basketball at 6. I jumped up and threw together some spaghetti for when we got home. Then I made Denton a snack because I knew he would be hungry. I fed Michael, changed both boys diapers and by this time we were running late. I rushed everyone to the car but Denton was tired. He laid down in the driveway screaming because Reghanne opened the gate and not me. I wrestled him into his seat and drove down to the gate... I spent 5 minutes trying to get the gate opener to work (the bain of my existence). I am hauling down 1446 and my phone rings, it is Clint, no one is at the pracite facility. About this same time I drive into the dead phone zone AND Michael begins projectile vomitting the entire contents of his stomach because in my rush, I couldn't burp him. I ask Reghanne very calmly (HAHAHA NOT A CHANCE) "do you have practice tonight???" She says "Oh, haha no I forgot, sorry." Michael is heaving, Clint is saying "HUH? What? I can't hear you? No one is here? HELLO HELLO". On a side note, Denton had fallen asleep at this point and went right to bed, without dinner when we got home. So at 130 in the morning he woke up asking for breakfast and raring to go...
Maybe time just flies when you are having fun? Sometimes I am convinced I might lose my mind. Or maybe, that I have already lost it and that is how I got in this position!
Somehow, I don't lose my mind and I can even smile because, even with their antics, my kids are cute and sweet and quite comical.
I decided to go to bed around 930 last night. I got up and changed clothes. Michael was asleep so I decided to change him to get him to wake up and eat. Mid change, he peed all over the blanket and my pajamas. I got a new diaper and put it on him. Then he started eating, then the burping, then he pooped. Another change, another mid change pee, another wet leg. Five diapers later it is 1130 and I am just lying down. Sometimes you just have to laugh not to cry! :)
That is all.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Part Two of the Birth and a Qualifier
I had contractions all night but they were manageable. I could sleep for about an hour or so at a time. I got up around 1:30 and went back to bed about 4:00. I was in some pain but just relaxing helped me a lot. The contractions were about 15 minutes apart all night, give or take. Over the last few months I have been working in the ECCHO nursery with two great ladies who know TONS about birth and so when I got up on Tuesday, I contacted them and they stayed in close contact with me through out the day helping me along. Jessica suggested I get some breakfast and try to rest as long as possible. Maybe take a bath and see if I could doze a little there. So, I got up and made some toast and made Clint an omelet and then went and hopped in the tub.
I have always heard how great the tub is during labor. My friend Julie described it as a liquid epidural (something like that) just the other day. For me, the tub was AWFUL!!!! I have never experienced "back labor" but I definetely had it this time. The minute I sat in the tub the contractions got stronger. I could barely recover from one when it seemed another was creeping up on me. I stayed in the tub for a little while and got out. Tried to rest and couldn't so Clint and I decided we would go for a walk to see if we could decrease the time between contractions. I put on my butt toning tennis shoes and we headed out. Our driveway is about a mile if you go down and back so I made that my goal.
When we got to the end, my grandfather saw us and came out to say hello and see how things were. As soon as I had started walking, the contractions went to 4 minutes apart. I didn't want him to worry so I chatted with him through two contractions. Clint could tell I was dying, apparently I am not a great actress! :) So, we headed back to the house and when I got in and sat down they went to about 6 minutes apart. I called Tara and she was encouraging me and telling me how I awesome I was doing. Jessica told me that the point of rest was over, I needed to change positions every 3 or 4 contractions to keep them rolling. I laid on one side and then the other while we watched a couple of movies.
I was really starting to get uncomfortable. Both Tara and Jessica thought it as time to go. I was nervous, I didn't want to get there and find out nothing had changed or have them stop again. We decided e would go and when I got up to get my shoes on etc the contractions were rapid fire. I couldn't complete any task without having to breathe through one. I had been marking them on a paper all day and it was to the point where all I could say was "another one" and Clint was writing them down like crazy. He said "Now it's getting serious" and we hopped in the car to head to Mansfield. The drive was interesting. We got behind a TXDOT truck on the back roads to Midlothian and he was not afraid to drive 20 MPH! Clint tried to get around him by going a different direction. Then when we got to the main road it was school dismissal so we were behind every bus, through every school zone and at every red light between our house and the hospital. I thought we would NEVER get there.
We arrived at the same time as Tara. After Monday night, I knew I needed someone there with experience or I would not make it. This junk hurt and it would be all to easy to give in to pain meds. Tara was kind enough to give up time with her family and call in to work to be there for me. They took me to observation and checked me, said I was 7-8 cm and quickly got me in to a Labor and Delivery room. It was right around 3:30.
This is when we apparently started scaring the living hell out of nurses :) They called me a "trial of labor" because I was there for a VBAC. Apparently they have no hope for people like me. They made me get an IV port "just in case" things went South, told me I couldn't have any food, drinks, or even ice chips and then pretty much checked out. Tara snuck me some coconut water (rebel). And I sat down on the weeble wobble ball. The contractions continued but again, were totally manageable. Tara was pushing on my back during them which helped the back labor immensely. I am so cloudy about most of this, I think I might have to get her to write it all down for me!
The contractions were getting more difficult to breathe through and I was really starting to dread them. I just felt like the "finish line" was never going to come. Tara suggested I try something new so I put the back of the bed all the way up and kneeled there with my arms over the back of it. About that time my nurse came in and, with a very quizzical look, said "What are you doing???" I said "Trying something new." and that was about the last thing I said in a normal voice for the next 10 minutes or so.
The next contraction I felt "something". So I told her that and she checked me and said I was an 8. I was NOT HAPPY about that and vaquely remember rolling my eyes as the next contraction came. Suddenly, my Mom walked in the room, I asked her what she was doing there, told her I was in a really bad place, and another contraction came. This time, I was more clear and screamed "I FEEEL SOMETHING DIFFEREEENNTT!!!!!" Then all hell broke loose, pardon my french but that is the only way I can describe it. My nurse told me I needed to turn around and lay down. All I could hear was sneakers on tile running like mad. By the time I managed to turn around there were about 10 people looking at me. She checked me and said I was complete, the bed started moving. I felt like the chick from the exorcist. I wanted to run out of the room.
They told me the doctor was there and was going to get dressed. I asked "WHICH ONE??" because I didn't know what the doctor looked like (which is kind of comical). For the next few minutes I didn't open my eyes. I have NO CLUE what happened except that I was screaming like a maniac, ripping the skin off people's hands, and thinking that if I could get up and run I would... It couldn't have been very long. I have no CLUE how long I was like that... in between contractions I felt like I would just barely regain "consciousness" and it would all go crazy again.
I started to cry and say I didn't want this anymore. Someone said just reach down and touch your baby. I opened my eyes and looked and I could see his head, I felt his warm little noggin' and all the sudden, just knowing it was almost over, I knew I could do it and felt calm. Then he was born at 6:24 and I was amazed. I think at some point I was like "OMG there was a baby in there!" My mom asked, "What is his name?" I looked at him and said "Michael". (We still hadn't completely decided up to that point.)
He got a chance to nurse before they put him in the incubator to clean him up. Shortly after the big kids came and we all got to watch him get his bath while I ate the SWEET steak dinner the hospital brought me! (It had a bottled Coke so I was pretty darn happy!) I felt like a million bucks. The nurses couldn't believe I was walking around and carrying my two year old all over the delivery room. After a bit, we all walked down to the other room, baby Michael in tow!
What a blessing!!! When Denton as born, I barely saw his face before they whisked him away. It was only by God's grace that I even saw him the day he was born. This experience was SO much better and our family is absolutely blessed by this little baby boy.
We are also extremely blessed to have our new friend Tara. With out her, I never would have made it. She was really my rock and I will always remember her and be grateful to her for that! (Clint was ok too! :))
The qualifier. I described the birth as a "horror show" yesterday and I just wanted to kind of clear up what I meant with that...
I was in labor for 48 hours but they were relatively pleasant. The very end of the birth, I believe it is commonly referred to as transition, was very extreme and I was the horror show. I turned into the chick from the exorcist. I was a little scary.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Birth of Michael Emmett
I want to post about the birth but I am not 100% sure I can be objective about it right now. It was everything (well mostly) I wanted but when I get to the end, the only words I can come up with are "horror show". So, I'm not sure about telling about it in great detail. So to start, I am just going to write about the beginning.
Saturday night I started having contractions before bed. I had them ALL night and was getting pretty pumped but as soon as I got up Sunday they disappeared. Sunday night, they started up again and I was pretty annoyed. I had already missed a ton of sleep and didn't want to deal with another night like Saturday. The contractions lasted all night but were manageable. When I got up on Monday they didn't go away so I was happy. I tried to stay busy, I cleaned some, walked some, and the contractions stuck with me. In the afternoon I decided to take a nap before taking Reghanne to choir and when I got up the contractions started going crazy. They went from 15 minutes to 3-4 minutes apart so we left the kids with my mom and headed to the hopsital. We were so excited!
I had them ALL the way to the hospital, sat down on the bed ith the monitor and they stopped. Like, almost completely. NONE, ZIP, NADA. The nurse told me about how to determine "real" labor. I wanted to punch her. We came home and went to bed around 10 ish.
Suddenly I am exhausted... I guess reliving it is making me tired :) Plus I did just have a baby... I will write more tomorrow!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Praying for labor...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Oh Heather, Where art thou?
Monday, October 17, 2011
A Mommy Thought Process...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
I'm in LABOR....
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I run funny....
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
What I'm doin' these days!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
"Brush teeth Mama?" - short and sweet
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Active Ignoring, my new favorite phrase!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I wish he could be 2 forever!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Don't TEXT and DRIVE!!!!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Cultural Awareness - Our experience with "modern" ballet
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The Reason Small Children are Adorable
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Birthdays, sports, and other stuff
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Trying not to die and gaining weight...
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I'm not a "real" teacher.... - Musings of a homeschool Mom
Monday, August 15, 2011
Waking up in Texas...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
As they say in Hawai'i ALLLLOOHHHAAAA!
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Swing Saga (Now with more shoe)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tales from Mommyland Part 2... There's a turd in the tub
Monday, July 25, 2011
Signs that I am getting old...
Friday, July 15, 2011
Tales from Mommyland...
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Cookin' Stuff Tuesday - Crepe - tastic!
- Crepes
- 1/2 cup fat-free milk
- 1 large egg
- 2 teaspoon cooking oil
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- Directions
1. In a medium bowl, whisk together milk, egg and oil; slowly whisk in flour, beating until well combined.
2. Coat a 6-inch skilled with nonstick cooking spray. Heat over medium heat; remove from heat. Spoon 2 tablespoons batter into skillet, tilting skillet to spread batter evenly. Return to heat; brown on one side (1 to 2 minutes) flip and cook a few more seconds.
Man I wish I could figure out a way to post pictures. The first crepe was an epic fail. I sprayed way to much olive oil in the pan
and the pan was really pretty crappy as well. So I switched to a big ole' pan and just didn't spread it to the edges. I made EIGHT batches of this which made around 40 -45 crepes. It took about two hours ( I know right! ) Spooning and tilting and turning and spooning and tilting and flipping. Then I stacked them with wax paper in between and put them in a ziploc bag in the freezer. From what I read, you can just pop a couple out and defrost for a quick dessert, breakfast, or dinner.
We did go ahead and eat some. The kids had snacks with cream cheese and pb & j and they were a HIT! Girl kid wanted them for dinner so I filled them with chicken and broccoli and covered them with a lemon alfredo sauce. They were amazing and I am having a hard time not going in there to eat more but I am trying to save some for the hubs.
Well, I was busy today so that was all the cookin' I got done!
That is all.
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Beginnings of a "Frugal Gourmet"
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
My body is a rock hard example of athleticism...
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What's in a name??
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Cookin' Stuff Tuesday
- 1 tbs butter
- enough croutons to cover the bottom of an 8x8 pan
- 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
- 6 eggs
- 1 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon dry mustard
- 1 cup cooked ham, cubed
- 1 cup of asparagus cut in to one inch pieces
- Melt butter in an 8x8 inch glass baking dish or small casserole dish. Add croutons and toss to coat. Sprinkle cheese on top of croutons. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, milk and dry mustard. Pour egg mixture over croutons and cheese. Sprinkle on asparagus and cubed ham. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate overnight.
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees
- Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes, until eggs are set. Let sit for 5 minutes before cutting.