I have realized something in the last two weeks. I didn't just give birth to a baby. Somewhere, somehow, when Michael was born, a time snatching monster was introduced in to our life. The first time we noticed it we were heading to a doctor appointment the day after we got out of the hospital. We were all sitting around ready so we decided we were going to leave 15 minutes early so we could stop and grab breakfast. We ended up leaving 5 minutes late because it took THAT long to get everyone to and in the car! How is that real?
Today, I realized it was time for Michael's second PKU test (which I had completely forgotten about). I wanted to get there before lunch with tomorrow being Thanksgiving to make sure someone was there to do the test. I got the boys up at 830 in the morning and we all started getting ready. We didn't arrive at the hospital until 1130 and didn't get home until 2! The test only took about 20 minutes and the drive is about an hour. Where did the rest of that time go?
I think a summary of my night last night could explain some of it. So about 5 I realized it was five and Reghanne had basketball at 6. I jumped up and threw together some spaghetti for when we got home. Then I made Denton a snack because I knew he would be hungry. I fed Michael, changed both boys diapers and by this time we were running late. I rushed everyone to the car but Denton was tired. He laid down in the driveway screaming because Reghanne opened the gate and not me. I wrestled him into his seat and drove down to the gate... I spent 5 minutes trying to get the gate opener to work (the bain of my existence). I am hauling down 1446 and my phone rings, it is Clint, no one is at the pracite facility. About this same time I drive into the dead phone zone AND Michael begins projectile vomitting the entire contents of his stomach because in my rush, I couldn't burp him. I ask Reghanne very calmly (HAHAHA NOT A CHANCE) "do you have practice tonight???" She says "Oh, haha no I forgot, sorry." Michael is heaving, Clint is saying "HUH? What? I can't hear you? No one is here? HELLO HELLO". On a side note, Denton had fallen asleep at this point and went right to bed, without dinner when we got home. So at 130 in the morning he woke up asking for breakfast and raring to go...
Maybe time just flies when you are having fun? Sometimes I am convinced I might lose my mind. Or maybe, that I have already lost it and that is how I got in this position!
Somehow, I don't lose my mind and I can even smile because, even with their antics, my kids are cute and sweet and quite comical.
I decided to go to bed around 930 last night. I got up and changed clothes. Michael was asleep so I decided to change him to get him to wake up and eat. Mid change, he peed all over the blanket and my pajamas. I got a new diaper and put it on him. Then he started eating, then the burping, then he pooped. Another change, another mid change pee, another wet leg. Five diapers later it is 1130 and I am just lying down. Sometimes you just have to laugh not to cry! :)
That is all.
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