Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Active Ignoring, my new favorite phrase!

Yesterday I had a parenting revelation. Well, I don't really know what to call it. That is probably somewhat appropriate. For about 6 months now, my son has absolutely refused to do a couple of things. Some of these things are, drink anything other than juice, not have his pacifier in his mouth, and brush his teeth. I know good and well that a child should not drink juice 24 hours a day and that a 2 year old with round teeth should probably give up his paci. It's not rocket science or anything.

Getting him to give up either is just NOT EASY! He is a pretty strong willed child. He knows EXACTLY what he wants at all times and if he doesn't get it he throws a big, fat fit. I don't know when it happened, but at some point we just gave up. We decided it was easier to give in than to fight. (I am not completely irresponsible, I do mix the juice with mostly water).

Long story longer, we had the 2 year checkup yesterday and the doc says he is healthy but his teeth are grody (um duh), he has to drink water, and he needs to ditch the paci before his teeth form a circle. I say "Well, look Dr. B, this isn't really something we have been able to do". She then said something that may very well have changed the course of my life. She said "Have you heard of active ignoring?" Well to start, no I guess I haven't because I thought she was referring to the way in which my children actively ignore me non stop. (You all know what I mean!).

I came home and googled it and tried it and Oh. MY. GOSH! It worked. I mean like WORKED! D hasn't had juice in his cup in a day and the paci is GONE!!! Fits, what fits? We even had a very enjoyable lunch with the doctor that Clint is buying the clinic from.

If you aren't actively ignoring your children, you aren't livin'! The gist is this: when said child begins to throw a fit, tell them the way whatever is is, and then pretend they don't exist. Easy as pie. Last night we didn't want jammies on. I said "We are going to wear them." I put them on and he immediately ripped the shirt half off, I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed and, when I came back, he asked me for help putting the shirt on, calm as can be! This morning he wanted to play outside, I said we have to get dressed and brush teeth. He said NO! I told him in that case we wouldn't be going outside and turned around. He ran and got his shirt and toothbrush. I mean for real. This might be a miracle.

That is all.


  1. AHHH!!! I am going to have to try it! Is the paci still gone?!?

  2. Yes ma'am. He has asked for it more today but he is still doing well.
