Just in case you didn't know about it, I have felt a call on my life recently to minister to those who are post-abortive and pre-abortive and to those who have lost their way sexually and don't know how to make it back.
When I was younger, I would look at a person who had chosen abortion and my heart would break for that baby. A life that would never be lived. A smile that would never be seen. A tiny hand that would never be held. I decided I would love those babies, even though they were never allowed to live. While I had so much love in my heart for those babies, my heart was filled with anger towards their mothers. A baby isn't an inconvenience... it is a person. How could they murder a child so that their life could continue on, unaltered (in theory)?
As I have grown and matured, I have felt a pressing on that anger. My anger has turned to sadness for the mothers of all those precious little lives. Because their life doesn't continue on unaltered. I have heard COUNTLESS tales of the hurt and pain endured over a lifetime after an abortion. So instead of the "inconvenience" of a child, these women are burdened with pain and emptiness, and a void that they feel can never be filled. I know that those women's pain is not any less real just because it was a "choice" they made.
I have been vocal about my pro-life stance lately and last week a person that I know said "The loaf of moldy bread on the counter is a life, but I'm not keeping that around." I have rolled that thought around in my head for a week. At the time, I didn't know HOW to react to it. I didn't want to react in anger, because I don't think approaching this subject with anger is going to do anyone any good. At the time, I deleted the comment, and deleted the person. After a week, I know what to say now. A moldy loaf of bread never said "I love you." It never wrapped its tiny arms around me and kissed me. It never filled my heart with pride at an accomplishment. It never cried out for my touch alone in a moment of pain. Moldy bread never looked into my eyes and unleashed its first blinding smile on the world. It never giggled during a tickle fight. Moldy bread is not akin to human life in any way, shape, or form. Moldy bread is dead and on its way out. It is not useful to the world. It won't change the face of the planet. A baby, a zygote, a fetus, and embryo... it is LIFE on its way IN! Its very presence in the womb is already changing the world.
I have friends who are post-abortive, and I want to tell you, I love you. I hope that you have found the hope and healing. I love you. Your baby loves you. God loves you. You are more than that decision. You can or have been remade in Christ. I am not judging you. I am not condemning you. I love you.
And if you or someone you know is struggling with the decision of abortion, please talk to me. I will GLADLY take your baby or help you find someone to take your baby, in a heart beat, in a minute, no questions asked. I am putting that out there and it is the truth. I love you, and I love your baby.
Yesterday someone posed a question that was posed to them, "If you stop abortion, what will you do with all those babies?" and my answer is, "I will love them."
That is all.
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