I am a Mama.
I grow and I stretch.
I endure pain and torture.
For three months, I wretch.
When it is over, if I am lucky,
I count tiny fingers and call you my Monkey.
I am a Mama.
I hold tiny hands.
I comfort big tears.
I explore foreign lands.
Your imagination astounds me.
And if I am lucky,
I will watch you grow up, but you'll still be my Monkey.
I am a Mama.
I try to protect you,
from fears and from dangers.
I won't let anything get you!
I will work until it hurts,
I will stand and not bend.
I will do what it takes,
To meet all the ends.
This title wasn't just given,
It was earned,
Every letter.
I am YOUR Mama,
I pray you never wish for better.
God trusted me,
a sinner, no saint.
But, each day he gives me,
the courage, the strength.
I am a Mama,
but my hope rests in my Father.
I will give all I have,
for my sons and my daughter.