Hello friends, it has been a long time since I have written. This is not due to lack of material, my children are constantly giving me great topics. I have a real lack of time mostly, my growing family keeps me busy.
I have been thinking lately about forever. I have had many instances with my children where I have though "Oh my GOSH! They are never going to stop (whatever it is)!!!" Denton was a major nursing lover. I mean, he loved his time at the tap. I thought to myself, "He is going to nurse until he is 40!" Then, one day, he stopped. He just STOPPED and never nursed again. He also was a beast to potty train. We fought, and struggled and I gave up about 10 times. Then, one day, he just stopped fighting (mostly). Same thing with co-sleeping.
Brothers! |
All of these things, at the time, felt like insurmountable challenges that would never end. Now, here I am, in the thick of things with another little boy. If I ever thought Denton was headstrong and stubborn, Michael is ALL of that and then some. At almost 15 months old, he is still nursing 6 times a day and every two hours at night. He refuses to sleep anywhere but my bed, no matter how "comfy" I make it in an attempt to trick him. It is hard to get angry though, because I look at Denton, and remember, one day he won't need me as much. I look at Reghanne and know, one day he probably won't even want my help.
A moment of sweetness |
I think I can apply this lesson to any facet of my life. Those bills aren't going to be there forever. The laundry from all these little people, will eventually disappear. The stress I feel today about whatever it is, is fleeting. Nothing is really forever in this life. Each season will pass like breath, and we find ourselves in a different challenge. Sometimes it is harder, sometimes it is not, but it will be different. All I can do, is continue forward, not wishing for the current challenge to be over, but enjoying the moment that I am in today. Those midnight cuddles, sibling struggles, and potty battles are going to turn into grown ups one day. I must relish even the difficult times!
A vision of the future |