My last house, was about a block away from the other plant. I lived there when I was 8 months pregnant and it burst into flames. I lived there when the acrid smell of burning chemicals filled the air. I lived there when the nauseous smell of dead fish from the pond across the street from my house started to permeate the air.
The thing is... it's my fault too. It's my fault that the commissioner's are laughing behind our backs at the thought of us believing we can make a difference about what happens. It's my fault that company is walking around with it's check book open writing checks to open doors that SHOULD be closed to them. It's my fault and it's your fault. Not all of you, but most of us.
We are complacent. Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned. Does that describe you before all "this" happened? Before "this" how many of you knew the name of ONE commissioner? How many of you voted in a SINGLE county election? Not me. And you know what, when you become complacent with your government, they will walk all over you. This is proof. This is just them showing you the fruits of you labor, or lack thereof. They quietly went about doing whatever they wanted to do because they knew by the time we were ready to stop them, it'd be too late.
I am saying this and I know it is going to make some of you mad. The truth can be one of the most painful things to hear. Here is another truth for you to sink your gnashing teeth into, no matter how mad you are now, how many threats to toss them from office you make... they DO NOT CARE. They are relying on the same level of complacency that got them here to carry them through. They are depending on the fact that YOU are gonna forget, get over it, and move on. They are relying on the fact that you are NOT going to vote them out of office because they are relying on the fact that we care as little about our government now as we did before all "this" started.
I am saying this because I WANT to make you mad. I want that anger to boil over and seethe to the point that you DON'T forget. You do vote them out. It may not change "this" but it might keep us from getting obliterated in the future. You have always had these rights, they weren't taken away, they just weren't used!
Don't give up on this fight. I may say it's too little too late but I pray every single day that it is not. If it is though, I hope you allow those trucks roaring down our little street, your decreased property value and your toxic surroundings to be a constant reminder to NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN become complacent in local or national government. Despite the fact that government is FOR US, we can not trust them. Power breeds immorality and WE are the people who are in charge of keeping those in power in check.
That is all.